How To Clean Showerhead With Vinegar by ResiSories
Posted by
Julian Gill
Updated on
September 28, 2023
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How to Clean Showerhead With Vinegar (Step by Step)

Taking a shower is fun and the most relaxed experience. The last thing you want is an uncomfortable bath due to the blocked shower head, which makes the water to pour out while dirty. Or water to come out in a low pressure making your bathing dull and slow.

Showerheads blog easily due to the mineral deposits. Removing the whole system to repair it may be expensive and time-consuming. There is a weighty solution that works effectively using vinegar. This article will highlight how to clean shower head with vinegar.

How To Guide

how to clean SHOWERHEAD with vinegar
Vinegar allows you to remove mineral deposits and hard water stains without having to disconnect the whole system. Instead of going for harsh and expensive chemicals that may damage your shower head and endanger your health, use vinegar. Here are ways of cleaning it:
Tools And Materials You Need
  • Vinegar
  • Toothbrush
  • Soft cloth
  • Wrench (not a must)
Assemble all your working tools

Gather everything you’ll need for you to clean up. Ensure the pot or container you’ll use is large enough for comfortable cleaning.

Remove the showerhead by gently twisting it sideways

If it gives you a hard time twisting it, wrap a rag around the connecting nut then use a wrench to remove it. The cloth protects the showerhead from getting damaged by the wrench.

Place the shower inside the container

The container should not be too big. Use a fitting one to avoid using too much vinegar unnecessarily. You can use any type of vessel; bucket, basin or pot, anything convenient for you.

Fill the pot with enough white vinegar, it should exceed the showerhead

The vinegar’s chemicals will loosen mineral deposits attached to the showerhead. You can add little baking soda to increase the cleaning power.

Leave the showerhead soaked in the vinegar for at least 1 hour or overnight

The period you’ll soak depends on how bad the blockage appears. The more damage it has, the longer it should stay in the vinegar. If you don’t have enough time to wait or if the showerhead is metallic, you can put the pot on heat and mix the vinegar for about fifteen minutes. If the showerhead is brassy or has a gold or nickel finishing, take it out after only thirty minutes. You are allowed to clean it again with the vinegar after rinsing it off.

Take out the shower head and rinse it off

At this point, the deposits are gone. Rinse properly to ensure all the vinegar has gone.

Scrub away any residue using a toothbrush

Pay more attention to the base where the holes are, the minerals stick to that area. Smoothly brush all the regions and rinse with cold water. Continue with this process until all the remains are no longer visible.

Polish the showerhead

Here you can use any soft cloth. Wipe the showerhead with the fabric until it dries completely. Make sure there are no drips of water.

Reconnect the shower head into the wall pipe

Using plumbing tape, wrap the threaded part of the wall pipe. Then firmly screw the showerhead back on.

Flush out the residue for the last time

Some residue may have remained even after brushing with a toothbrush. For final cleaning, turn the shower on for a few minutes to force out any unseen dirt.

Cleaning a non-removable showerhead

Mix an equal amount of water and vinegar and put in a plastic bag. Tie the bag around the showerhead, ensuring the holes are in the solution. Leave it for a few minutes, until all the dirt is removed.

How to clean calcium from a showerhead

Expect calcium deposits to stick on the showerhead after the hard water passing through it dries. This residue is unpleasant to see and a great hindrance to enjoying a full-water splash shower. Here is what you should do to clean calcium from your showerhead:

Fill a small plastic bag with white vinegar and wrap it over your shower head using a rubber band. Leave that setting for about an hour or more. Afterward, remove the bag, and scrub the showerhead with a toothbrush. If your showerhead does not gain a new look after doing this process, you failed to do your part correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Kind Of Vinegar Do You Use To Clean A Showerhead?

I use the white vinegar to clean my showerhead.

How Much Vinegar Do You Use To Clean A Showerhead?

1 cup of vinegar is enough.

Can I Soak My Shower Head In Vinegar?

Yes. You should soak it in the vinegar to take off all the residues.

How Long Should I Soak My Showerhead In Vinegar?

It depends on the material of your showerhead. It can be 20 minutes, one hour, or overnight.

Does Vinegar Affect Chrome Shower Heads?

Vinegar is acidic. Exposing it to your chrome shower head for a long time will eat off the finish until the whole head is destroyed.

Can I Use White Vinegar Instead Of Distilled Vinegar?

Yes, white vinegar is environment-safe, cheap, and the preferable choice to use.

What Can I Use Instead Of Distilled White Vinegar?

There are many other options you can use to clean your shower head. You can use baking soda, essential oil, balsamic vinegar, white wine vinegar or industrial vinegar.

What Should You Not Use Vinegar On?

Never use it on stone floor tiles, irons, granite and marble surfaces, hardwood surfaces, and aluminum materials.

Does Vinegar Damage Rubber Seals?

Vinegar destroys the rubber seals leaving long-term damage.

Does Vinegar Sterilize?

Yes. White vinegar is a powerful disinfectant and effective in killing bacteria and viruses on surfaces.

Does WD 40 Remove Calcium Deposits From Faucets?

WD 40 softens rust and fastens the removal of unpleasant deposits from faucets.

How Do You Remove Calcium Deposits From Faucets?

Pour warm vinegar into a plastic bag, wrap it around the faucet, ensuring the mineral deposits are fully submerged in the vinegar. Use a rubber band to tighten and let the valve soak for an hour.

The Bottom Line

Clogged showerhead is something to worry about. If you notice the water pouring out is dirty or comes with low pressure than usual, check your showerhead. It’s not a new thing when the showerhead blocks due to the hard water that leaves its deposits after flowing in the shower system. Frequent cleanups will protect you from encountering colossal damage on your shower head. Using other chemicals may add an issue to your item. So, it’s safe to use vinegar, which is cheaper and harmful-free to your health. The good thing is you can do it yourself without any difficulties.

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Julian Gill
Julian Gill is a mechanical engineer and working in the plumbing sector for the last seven years. To be a professional, Gill had completed the CPD (Certified in Plumbing Design) program successfully. Besides this, he also works in home improvement and remodeling.
Julian Gill
Hi! I’m Julian Gill.
My mission is to help people in purchasing decisions about home, kitchen and garden accessories.
Oh! And I’m also a plumber. I usually repair what husbands fixed.
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