How to Install A Freestanding Tub Faucet
Posted by
Julian Gill
Updated on
September 27, 2023
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How to Install A Freestanding Tub Faucet (Complete Guide)

A freestanding tub faucet is a great way to add a luxurious touch to any bathroom. It’s a great option if you don’t want to have to worry about waterproofing your bathtub. If you choose a freestanding tub faucet, you will be able to easily control the temperature of your bath water. You will also be able to make a variety of different water patterns with just a few faucet movements. This is a great option if you are trying to create a soothing environment in your bathroom.

What is a freestanding tub faucet?

A freestanding tub faucet is a tub spout that is not attached to a wall or a shower head. Freestanding tub faucets are usually installed in new construction or when an existing bathtub is removed. This type of tub spout is more economical and easier to install than a traditional tub spout. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing a freestanding tub faucet.

Some manufacturers are now making some freestanding tubs with the deck mount faucet. If you got one of them, it’s easier to install the tub faucet. Because they come with a detailed installation guide, you can get more support from the manufacturing company.

How to install a freestanding tub faucet
Before you can install a freestanding tub faucet, you will need to figure out where you wish to place it. You will need to make sure that the faucet will fit and that it will not be in the way of anything.
What you will need: a bracket, a pole that is going to hold our freestanding tub faucet, the two hoses connect with the handheld piece and diverter of the tub faucet, a plate that covers the bracket. 
Prepare the bracket

After choosing the top bathtub faucet with a freestanding style, you might get some kits or accessories in the box. Open it, and you may get a bracket to set up the tub faucet.

First, you need a bracket. It has three legs with three holes. The faucet is going to be standing by this bracket.

So, make sure this bracket is secured correctly to your floor. It has to go through your floor to be adequately anchored. 

The bracket on the floor
The bracket on the floor

But most likely, the bracket is moving around, so put a three quarter inch plywood or sheeting board on the bottom of the bracket. Then put them together with bolts. 

Install the cover plate

Then install the cover plate correctly. Make sure that, it is big enough to cover the bracket. Check the picture below.

Cover plate on the bracket
Cover plate on the bracket
Connect the pipeline

The pipeline will be inside the bracket and the plates. Mark them red and blue. The red one will connect to the hot and the blue to the cold water line. 

Red and blue colored hose for hot and cold water lines
Red and blue colored hose for hot and cold water lines

Pro tip: You need to test that the water pressure in the pipeline is okay before the installation process.

Put everything together

Now put together the pole with the bracket and the cover plate. Make sure the water lines are not leaking at the ceiling downstairs. 

Pole with the cover plate and bracket
Pole with the cover plate and bracket
Screw the pole

Next, screw the pole with the bracket securely. Then, install the faucet on the pole correctly.

Pole stand with the bracket
Pole stand with the bracket
That’s it!

Finally, after completing the tub faucet installation process, check whether the water flow is okay.

After tub faucet installation check the water flow
After tub faucet installation check the water flow


In conclusion, installing a freestanding tub faucet is not as difficult as it may seem. With the proper tools and a little know-how, you can have your new tub faucet up and running in no time. So, don’t be afraid to try a freestanding tub faucet. Let us know by the comment box below if you have a problem during installation.

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Julian Gill
Julian Gill is a mechanical engineer and working in the plumbing sector for the last seven years. To be a professional, Gill had completed the CPD (Certified in Plumbing Design) program successfully. Besides this, he also works in home improvement and remodeling.
Julian Gill
Hi! I’m Julian Gill.
My mission is to help people in purchasing decisions about home, kitchen and garden accessories.
Oh! And I’m also a plumber. I usually repair what husbands fixed.
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