How To Tell If A Kitchen Sink Is Porcelain Or Ceramic
Posted by
Julian Gill
Updated on
October 5, 2023
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How To Tell If A Kitchen Sink Is Porcelain Or Ceramic

Although these two products are made out of the same things, the way they are manufactured yields different results. Porcelain is made out of dense clay. When the firing process is done to remove the moisture, the result is a waterproof finish. Ceramic is made of a less thick mixture of clay and is not subjected to as much heat which means it’s more porous than porcelain. 

This also means that the glaze finish is a must-have for ceramic while optional for porcelain. Ceramic usually has a different body color than surface color. If there is a chip or damage to the glaze, that body color may be visible. However, their materials look so similar that it may take some detective work with the model number to figure out which it is. 

So now that you know how to tell if a sink is porcelain or ceramic let’s go into further detail about the difference between these two materials. 

What is the difference between ceramic and porcelain?

Porcelain is a higher quality material, but there are many reasons consumers might choose ceramic. Let’s list some pros and cons for each:

porcelain kitchen sink manufacturing
porcelain kitchen sink manufacturing

Pros of Porcelain Kitchen Sink

Many different colors
Low maintenance required
Dense, strong material
More durable
Dust-resistant and fade-resistant
Easy to clean

Cons of Porcelain Kitchen Sink

Prone to chipping 
It may be difficult to install 
More expensive
The enamel coating (if any) of the sink might be cheap and thin sometimes

Pros of Ceramic Kitchen Sink

More affordable 
Many shapes and designs
Easy to clean surface

Cons of Ceramic Kitchen Sink

Chips and cracks reveal body-color
Not waterproof with finish 
Not environmentally friendly
Not very functional to use
Interior space might be reduced because of the side angle
Prone to cracking if the sink is built with low-quality ceramic
ceramic kitchen sink surface view
ceramic kitchen sink surface view

When answering the question of which is better, it depends on what is important to you. Ceramics are your choice if you like the look but want something more budget-friendly. If your sink is going to get a lot of use and staining is a concern, porcelain is the winner. 

An overall pro with enamel sinks is that they are easy to care for. Some hot water, dish soap, and a bit of elbow grease will usually be enough to keep them in top shape. Be Careful of leaving certain things on them for long periods, though, because they can stain. You can take care of ceramic sinks similarly. Just try not to use scouring pads or something similar to avoid scratches. 

Are most sinks porcelain or ceramic?

Because of how durable porcelain is, many homes from the 50s and 60’s still have sinks made out of the material today. With the cost and similar look, many newer homes use the ceramic option. Other than inspecting the sink personally, you could look at when the house was built to get a good idea of its material. 

Koozzo Farmhouse Ceramic Kitchen Sink and Miyili Ceramic Farmhouse S8450W are the most sold and popular ceramic kitchen sink models that offer a variety of great features. The quality and durability of these sinks are incomparable to other brands, and the price is unbeatable for what you get.

When it comes to finding the perfect porcelain kitchen sink, there is no one right answer. However, there are a few popular porcelain kitchen sinks that are sure to make your cooking experience that much better.

KRAUS Pintura KE1US21GWH and Sarlai Kitchen Sink Apron Front are the most sold porcelain kitchen sinks on Amazon. Since these sinks are made of high-quality material, they do not crack and break easily.

How To Tell If A Kitchen Sink Is Porcelain Or Ceramic
How To Tell If A Kitchen Sink Is Porcelain Or Ceramic


Why Do We Still Use Porcelain Sinks?

The fact that you can go into a home from the 60s and the sink still looks good should let you know why they are still popular. They are durable and easy to clean. If you like the look, then it’s hard to find a better choice; 

How To Tell If The Sink Is Porcelain Or Enamel

A sink cannot be entirely made of enamel. It’s just the finish put on afterward. Usually, these sinks are stainless steel or cast iron. Porcelain sinks are generally very heavy, so they are probably enamel-coated if your sink is lighter. 


Even though porcelain and ceramic sinks have a very classic look, they are still popular. Whether you want quality or something a bit more affordable these options do the trick but there are many more options. So while we learned how to tell the difference between porcelain and ceramic, this is just the tip of the iceberg for creating your perfect kitchen or bathroom.

Read More:

Julian Gill
Julian Gill is a mechanical engineer and working in the plumbing sector for the last seven years. To be a professional, Gill had completed the CPD (Certified in Plumbing Design) program successfully. Besides this, he also works in home improvement and remodeling.
Julian Gill
Hi! I’m Julian Gill.
My mission is to help people in purchasing decisions about home, kitchen and garden accessories.
Oh! And I’m also a plumber. I usually repair what husbands fixed.
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