Brushed Brass Vs Brushed Gold Vs Satin Brass Finishes featured
Posted by
Julian Gill
Updated on
September 27, 2023
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Brushed Brass vs Brushed Gold vs Satin brass finishes: Which is The Best For Your Home

We have many types of interior finishes available for Kitchen and Bathroom decor. Depending on your taste which is based mainly on your appreciation of decor. You can choose from any of them. However, 3 of these types of interior finishes have stood out and are very common in today’s world, they are:

Brushed brass
Brushed gold
Satin brass

Brushed Brass Finish:

It is a unique type of brass. It appears duller than the regular brass used in interior finishes. They are known for their durability, classy look, and easy maintenance.

Brushed Brass finished kitchen faucet, shower trim, hand shower, cabinet knob
Brushed Brass finished items

Brushed Gold Finish:

It looks like Brushed Brass in color. But gold tends to be more durable for Kitchen decor because it is less likely to react with substances like acid and other stuff.

Brushed gold finished shower trim, showerhead, bathroom faucet, handheld shower
Brushed gold finished items

Satin brass Finish:

Satin brass may be challenging to distinguish from brushed brass for some people. And so they often interchange Satin brass with Brush Brass. But it is worth noting that they are not the same. Satin brass is not brushed but a muted form of brass with a fine finished texture.

satin brass finished Ceiling Fan, knob, kitchen lighting and towel bar
Satin brass finished items

Key Differences Between Brushed Brass, Brushed Gold, And Satin brass

A typical brushed brass has undergone abrasion. This abrasion then creates brush marks that are fingerlike on its surface. Majorly a Brushed brass has brushed marks on them, which distinguishes them.

Brush Gold is typically yellow and has a shining luster. It also possesses a highly reflecting surface that helps to sparkle the room by helping to reflect light adequately within the room.

Satin brass looks similar to brushed brass, except it is smoother than brushed brass.

FactBrushed BrassBrushed GoldSatin brass
Long lastingBestGoodGood
Spot RemovalGoodGoodBest
ToneWarmMore ShinerDuller
Previewbrushed brass finish tonebrushed gold finish tonesatin brass finish tone

While each of the finishes mentioned above is desirable, brushed brass is still the most preferred by many for kitchen and bathroom finishes because:

It blends well with many colors.
It would not rust easily
It would last long as it won’t rust easily
In summary, brushed brass makes the bathroom space more stylish and opulent.
Brushed brass finished kitchen and bathroom fixtures for example kitchen lighting and wardrobe knob, bathtub faucet, kitchen faucet, shower system.
Brushed brass finished fixtures

Well, there is no way to tell which of the finishes is more popular. But based on sentiment, Brushed brass appears to be the most popular. But of course, this is based on what the homeowner wants to achieve. Individual preferences and biases may play a role in this one. But it seems a lot of people tend to go along more with Brushed Brass mainly because there are many variants of it which means there is more flexibility to carve out what you want.

Expert opinion on the type of Finish

Experts’ opinions tend to vary considerably. Experts have argued that individual preferences are a factor as this cannot be ruled out in the choice. What a person aims to achieve would determine the kind of expert opinion they get. But a majority of Expert opinions, however, believe that Brushed brass offers the best aesthetic quality for bathrooms and home decor, While Brushed Gold is recommended for kitchen decor. Primarily because it is spot resistant, it is easy to clean and maintain in the kitchen.


Is Matte Gold The Same As Brushed Gold?

The answer is yes. The name Matte Gold can be used interchangeably with brushed gold.

Do Light Fixtures Need To Match Door Handles?

There is no conventional rule for this. You can decide to make it match or not.


In conclusion, brushed brass, brushed gold, and satin brass finishes are all attractive options for your home. It’s hard to decide which finish is suitable for your home. I’ve tried to explain them and hope this guide will help you. If you are still stuck, try visiting a few showrooms in your area to get a better idea of what each finish looks like in person.

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Julian Gill
Julian Gill is a mechanical engineer and working in the plumbing sector for the last seven years. To be a professional, Gill had completed the CPD (Certified in Plumbing Design) program successfully. Besides this, he also works in home improvement and remodeling.
Julian Gill
Hi! I’m Julian Gill.
My mission is to help people in purchasing decisions about home, kitchen and garden accessories.
Oh! And I’m also a plumber. I usually repair what husbands fixed.
Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.

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